Management Committee
Lisette Metcalfe

Student Housing Services Manager, Middlesex University
What do you enjoy most about working in student accommodation?
Being able to help students get through their first year in University by ensuring they have a safe and friendly environment to live in.
Can you provide details about a specific student accommodation project that you’ve been involved in, that you’re really proud of?
After many years without any wardens within the halls, I put together a proposal to have Resident Assistants to provide our students with the peer to peer support they really need. We work tirelessly year on year to improve the service offered.
What does ASRA mean to you?
It’s more than a network it becomes family. A family you know you can rely on to give you support. I love that I get to meet colleagues old and new on a regular basis throughout the year.
What is your best ASRA memory?
It’s so hard to pick one! I’ve got great memories from all the conferences I’ve attended, but being voted in as treasurer has to be a highlight.