ASRA delegates raise over £2,400 for Aberdeen Cyrenians

ASRA proudly commits to charitable causes located within our Conference destinations

At Conference 2024 our chosen charity was Aberdeen Cyrenians, and throughout the event, ASRA delegates took hundreds of pictures which were merged together to form the iconic ASRA house via a framed print, which was then auctioned off at the Conference Dinner in order to raise much needed funds to support the charity.

ASRA Framed Print

At the Conference Dinner there was also a Charity Raffle with some fantastic prizes, kindly donated by our industry colleagues - a massive 'thank you' to our friends from ASM Global, Homes for Students, Sovereign Conference, Studentpad & Unite Students.

A big thank you to all delegates who made a donation to the charity raffle, and in particular to Link Strategic Partners, for their generous donation for the ASRA print!

In total, through the Charity Raffle and print auction we raised £2,440 for Aberdeen Cyrenians!

More about Aberdeen Cyrenians

Aberdeen Cyrenians is a local charity and social care services provider supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our community. First started by Aberdeen University students as a soup kitchen, Aberdeen Cyrenians now put the needs of North East Scotland's most vulnerable and socially excluded people first — leading at the frontline of service, care and influence for 50+ years.

Aberdeen Cyrenians work continuously to shift perceptions and change the outlook on homelessness and vulnerability in society — the reality often differs drastically from the 'labels' that people use when thinking of those who need support. Not accepting the current perception of homelessness is something that underpins Aberdeen Cyrenians' work and how they communicate. Their approach puts the reality of these situations front and centre.

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Aberdeen Cyrenians is a Charity registered in Scotland (SC 014849)

We thank you again for your support!

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