Paul's Blog: All Things ASRA & Conference!

ASRA were delighted to be joined by Paul Sloggett, Nutrition & Health Coach at ReFocus Coaching (and former South-West Regional Rep!) to talk about all things ASRA and Conference...

Paul Sloggett

Paul Sloggett

Nutrition & Health Coach (ReFocus Coaching)

Paul Sloggett

Nutrition & Health Coach (ReFocus Coaching)

What does ASRA mean to you?

ASRA is a great opportunity to meet industry peers, learn (and share) what works well, and it’s always fun!

What are you most looking forward to about Conference 2025?

Catching up with old connections from the sector!

How do you think this conference stands out from other events?

There is a real mix of attendees, from those who work in the most front-facing roles, to senior managers, and everyone is willing to share.

Have you attended this conference in the past? If so, what were your key takeaways?

So many times, and I went on to become the Southwest Rep. I always enjoyed the keynote speakers, but found more insight and passion from colleagues who shared their local-experience in the smaller sessions.

Paul & ASRA Reps at Aviemore 2019

Can you give us a brief overview of your talk/topic(s) for ASRA 2025?

As an advocate of both Student Success and (now) Health and Wellbeing, I want to rattle the cage a little and ask Accommodation Providers to really look at the final piece of the puzzle in supporting Students at University… what they eat!

What inspired the topic(s) of your session at this conference?

Years of seeing first hand how many Students fail to look after themselves, and always wondering if ‘we’ could have done more.

What’s the key message or takeaway you hope to share with the audience?

We have a huge opportunity to help Students flourish and leave our care with a much better awareness of Health, Habits and Mindset.

What excites you most about delivering a training session at ASRA?

Talking about a topic I really care about and being able to focus on improving the lives of the customers in a sector I love.

How does the topic of your session reflect current trends or challenges?

I think young people these days are more deliberate about caring for their health, so it would be great to see Universities and Accommodation Providers support that.

What’s a surprising or little-known fact about you that might come up during your session?

That I was morbidly obese and incredibly unhealthy through my 30’s and I got on an airplane to solve my problems!

Paul hosting the ASRA Sports Quiz in Aviemore 2019

If you could invite any historical figure to the ASRA Conference, who would it be and why?

Someone who would terrify and enthral everyone… Mike Tyson maybe?! 

What’s one thing you never travel to a conference without?

Showing my age now, but a black-out eye mask and earplugs if I’m staying overnight, so I can get that all-important sleep!

If you could hand out a “Conference survival kit” to attendees, what would be in it?

Notebook, Pen and an Electrolyte Drink for ‘proper’ hydration, energy and focus.

ReFocus Coaching

A massive 'thank you' to Paul for sharing his view and opinions with ASRA - we look forward to his session 'What are your Residents Eating & why it matters!' at Conference 2025!

To hear more from industry experts like Paul via dedicated training & development sessions and inspiring keynotes, make sure you join us at De Vere Cotswold Water Park, Cirencester, 6th - 9th April for the ASRA Conference 2025 - book your place here!

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